Невеста бросила Усейна Болта через Twitter

The girl invited the athlete to bite your elbows, because he better not be found.

Despite the fact that invincible athlete Usain Bolt won another two gold medals at the Olympics in Rio, the Internet, discuss it entirely from the other side. So let’s say, intimate. There, in Rio, the athlete was partying with the Brazilian, and the details of their night meetings are in the public domain – the girl in detail told about it to journalists. And it wouldn’t be a criminal if Usain home was not expecting the girl. Moreover, some sources call this girl his official fiancée.

26-year-old resident of Jamaica, Kaci Bennett, all this time remained silent, suddenly broke down and wrote on Twitter what he thinks about cheating his popular friend.

“You traded your life with a real goddess for one night with whom is unclear. She will never be able to compete with someone who was there. #self-control”, – said publicly angry girl.

Usain yet said nothing to his beloved. Moreover, he still has not bothered to appear at their front door. They say the Bolt is now in full annealed in London: never misses a noisy party and no short skirts. And every night invites to his hotel one hot beauty after another. But to believe the rumors are a hundred percent not worth it. We know that people tend to exaggerate. I hope that soon kasi and Usain still meet and talk heart to heart.

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