CМИ с маникальным упорством разводят Джоли и Питта

Journalists for the hundredth time I write about the imminent separation of the couple. And they though henna!

News of the disorder in the star family of Bragalini appear in the Western press as often as we twine Volochkova. Foreign journalists monthly share with readers the details of the divorce, attract competent speakers and smart experts who reveal the reasons for the separation. And the next day after the “controversial investigation” Hollywood couple is coming out as if nothing had happened. Kiss, hug, hold hands. Quiet, quiet, harmony… However, this does not prevent the media after some time to return to a favorite topic.

At this time, the correspondent wrote in a treacherous adulterer’s French beauty Marion Cotillard. Supposedly after working with the actress in the film “Allies”, brad fell in love with her without memory. And ready to leave his wife and six children for Marion. At the same time journalists are not embarrassed by the fact that Cotillard is pregnant from her husband Guillaume Canet second child. And this is not the first time over the last few months, when the tabloids divorce Jolie and pitt.

A few days ago in the press reported that brad moved away from the old ball and chain and kids. Supposedly, the actor has already picked out a perfect accommodation in Croatia. Spacious apartment with views of the Adriatic, the sound of the surf outside the window, a blissful solitude… the Reason for the move is commonplace quarrel. According to rumors, on a wedding anniversary, the actor was winded from his wife together with friends in the same Croatia. Jolie, of course, such an act remained dissatisfied.

Shortly before this tearjerker in the foreign press appeared shocking details of the life of Brangelina. It turns out that Jolie refused to eat, was fond of alcohol and tobacco. Spouse tired of fighting with addictions Angelina with the words “Urine my no!” has filed for divorce. But somehow not divorced.

Probably because he himself, as they say, the stigma of a gun. Reportedly all of the same media, if brad didn’t cheat, you’re certainly looking for a nanny for their children. Jolie not only that, I dismissed the housekeeper, and her husband gave noble a thrashing. Even the marriage break was going. But not terminated.

What is the reason for the maniacal desire to separate these guys, it is not clear. Maybe it’s simple human jealousy to happy families. And maybe, for lack of scandalous news they have to invent yourself.