Кабаева засветила кольцо на безымянном пальце

Fans were muttering, and the famous gymnast never said a word about his personal life.

Friday show “Evening Urgant” was particularly successful. Of course! As an invited guest of the program was an Olympic champion Alina Kabaeva.

Although about the personal life of the athlete, as always, did not say a word, her appearance she gave birth to a lot of rumors and speculation.

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Especially viewers of the show were intrigued by the ring on the ring finger of Alina. About who gave it to the athlete (and how long has she been wearing it?!) we can only guess, but doubt remains less: Kabaeva either engaged or already married for a long time.

Attracted the attention and the attire of the guest program Ivan Urgant. Black skirt decorated with a scattering of rhinestones and sequins, the blouse tone on tone, translucent white lace chemise…

The charm of the athletes could not resist, even the host of the popular show. Goodbye Urgant Kabaeva showered with compliments and presented a bouquet of flowers.