Игорь Крутой развелся с первой женой из-за денег

Details the personal life of the composer shared in the new show Lera Kudryavtseva.

In the domestic TV starts a new season. The TV execs are trying to attract maximum number of people to the blue screen and surprise them as much. After a couple of days, September 4, NTV will be released the first edition of the controversial show “million dollar Secret”, in which his leading Lera Kudryavtseva will get the skeletons out of the closets of their star colleagues. For every revealed the secret Kudryavtseva guest pays a certain amount of money. The first participant of the program was Igor Krutoy.

Initially a composer Lera answered calmly and confidently. Told about first love, about the performances at the school disco. However, when talking about the first marriage of Igor and his divorce with Elena Cool, musician nervous.

Kudryavtseva asked why the Union collapsed, he said: “I loved her very much. She’s not me”. Although, according to the magazine “StarHit”, mom is Cool, which at the time of recording was behind the scenes, revealed the true cause of the breakup of the son and of his first wife. “Money he didn’t have, so she has gone,” could not resist Svetlana Semenovna.

By the way, despite the breakup with Elena, a Cool continues to maintain cordial relations with the son from his first marriage, Nicholas. They meet regularly and constantly.

Incidentally, in your personal life now Igor is also all right. Since 1995 he is happily married with his wife Olga. And on the financial situation of the composer to complain now sin.