У Анастасии Волочковой появился тайный поклонник

Ballerina laid out in the microblog photo with gifts from the unknown man.

It seems that in the life of Anastasia Volochkova finally there have been good prospects in personal life. The celebrity told friends and followers that she has a secret admirer. Moreover, while the male courting the stars incognito, but very romantic: sends her expensive gifts and sumptuous bouquets of white roses.

Despite the fact that Anastasia doesn’t know from whom he receives compliments her such attentions, as any woman, really like…

“Today, in the middle of my concert in Novotroitsk gave me a huge bouquet of white roses and some gifts from a secret admirer from Moscow. Very nice! I love surprises! Colors I glad at once, and so Packed romantic surprises to consider was not in time. Very fast changing clothes at me. But the mood is joyful”, – Anastasia wrote in his microblog.

And then posted several pictures with the bouquet of roses and the caption: “I love white roses. What a joy to be bestowed by them,” “I have a lot of flowers to hold in the hands! Especially love the white… Let the flowers will be the heaviest burden in my life.”

Subscribers of the social network Volochkova immediately congratulated her with nice compliments and wished him happiness in his personal life. Who knows, maybe this fan from Moscow and become the husband of a star?

Especially Anastasia in his numerous interviews often repeats that awaits the man of her dreams and believes that there is someone who will make her happy.

Previously, we recall, the dancer is already married. Her lover was a businessman Igor Vdovin. However, their Union could not stand the life and lasted only a year. The couple left a daughter, Ariadne. Now, 10 years old girl, she lives with her mom.

After Anastasia Vdovina was attributed an affair with businessman Bakhtiyar Salimov, but their romance also didn’t last long.

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