Необычные цветочные горшки для кактусов и суккулентов

Succulents and cacti is a good choice for those who like greenery in the home-care which does not require a lot of time and effort. Cacti and succulents are extremely hardy, they don’t need a lot of water, and the quantity and quality of soil they are undemanding.

Due to the fact that these plants need very little soil, you have the opportunity to abandon the standard flower pots in favor of original, and sometimes to do without pots and vases, replacing them, it would seem, are suitable for these purposes items.

Необычные цветочные горшки для кактусов и суккулентов

For example, you can use tiny clay pots spherical shape. If these pots seem original enough, you can paint with acrylic paints.

Unusual small pot, you can make your own hands out of metal. For these purposes perfectly fit the strip of copper sheet, which minimized the multi-faceted pots.

Необычные цветочные горшки для кактусов и суккулентов

As flower pots, you can use the items from the old set, which, for example, is cracked and cannot be used for its intended purpose.

Необычные цветочные горшки для кактусов и суккулентов

Succulents can be planted in decorative miniature birdcage. For detailed instructions, read our article.

Необычные цветочные горшки для кактусов и суккулентов

Great pot for succulents and cacti will be any glass container. So this decision looked even more interesting, the soil in the pot can be alternated with light pebbles.

Необычные цветочные горшки для кактусов и суккулентов

Do you like Oriental motifs? Then you can use the technique that is used when creating rock gardens.

Необычные цветочные горшки для кактусов и суккулентов

Just cover the soil in the pot white or colored sand, and then put a toothpick on the surface of the ornament.

If you have some skills working with wood, can make such a stand on which pots-cubes are arranged in rows.

Необычные цветочные горшки для кактусов и суккулентов

Even an ordinary flower pots will look original, if you install them on a metal stand. These stands can easily be done by their hands.

Необычные цветочные горшки для кактусов и суккулентов

Instead of coasters, you can use miniature wooden stools.

Необычные цветочные горшки для кактусов и суккулентов

Well, if you want something radical, instead of vases you can use almost anything. For example, cacti planted in the back of an old toy truck.

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