Religious drama directed by Steven Spielberg the Kidnapping of Edgardo Mortara has added yet another actor. To caste joined the star of the films “Star wars,” “X-Men”, “machines” and “Inside llewyn Davis” Oscar Isaac.
Who, exactly, the film will play Isaac, not specified. At the moment, the project is known very little.
The basis for writing the script was the same book by the American historian David Kertzer, which tells the story of a little Jewish boy in Bologna in 1858. Being secretly baptized by his nanny in the Catholic Church, the boy separated from his parents and sent to a shelter for baptized Jews.
Besides Isaac, the film will play British actor mark Rylance. He will play the role of Pope Pius IX.
The script is entrusted to write Tony Kushnir, who already worked with Spielberg in “Lincoln” and “Munich”. The shooting will start in the first quarter of 2017.