Lonely mother of many children Yulia Kolisnichenko told where the money for expensive cars comes from 36-year-old Yulia Kolisnichenko is not so I was in a serious accident a long time ago. Then she was driving herself, and there were children in the car. She herself is happy that no one was hurt.

Single mother of many children Yulia Kolisnichenko said, where did I get the money for expensive cars? “In fact, after the accident, I was in shock. The main thing is that we all survived, no one was hurt, I was in shock, what should I do next? I was completely empty of all my bills and still had an unpaid loan. “- said Yulia. It turned out that the car was taken as security for the apartment.

Single mother of many children Yulia Kolisnichenko told “Where does the money come from for expensive cars?” /><noscript><img class=

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