Ксения Бородина помирилась с мужем

TV presenter laid out in Instagram the photo of a huge bouquet of red roses.

The last time fans of Ksenia Borodina seriously concerned about: rumor has it, she broke up with her husband Kurban Omarov, who recently gave birth to a daughter Theon. First, she started to go out without a wedding ring. Secondly, on the birthday of Mary, daughter Borodina from a previous marriage, one of the first was not. After the event, the presenter has posted a video with her daughters, accompanied by his signature: “my Dear, we are all well, alive and healthy. And remember: all that is done, all the better. I love you”.

Yes, and the Eid al added fuel to the fire, laying the walk with Him, Mary and his son from his first marriage. It is now Sunday dad?

And here Xenia was again intrigued by subscribers, put up a photo of a huge bouquet of red roses in the basket. Attached is a note, but what is in it – not to disassemble. Celebrity fans immediately suggested that flowers from a spouse, and thus he made a step towards reconciliation.

— I hope the bouquet from her husband and soon we will be back to admire your sharing a photo, ” reads one of the comments. — You were made for each other, don’t know, fight you or not, but what cannot be seen you together, somehow very sad! If quarreled, reconciled urgently, you lovely, what is it that you, and deserve each other!

There was, however, and those who suggested that the flowers did not of Eid… I Hope soon the presenter will talk about what is happening in her family, and calm fans of good news.

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