Как сделать квартиру теплее. 5 визуальных приемов

Autumn in the yard, and that means it’s time to winterize not only your clothes and the apartment. To make the house warmer will not only help with fluffy duvets and blankets, but also some interior tweaks.

Как сделать квартиру теплее. 5 визуальных приемов

We asked designer Mary Borovsky give us some advice on what I should add to the interior to make it more comfortable during the coolness of autumn.

Как сделать квартиру теплее. 5 визуальных приемов

1. Bright spots

Warm atmosphere in the house will help you to create striking accents. Adjust the textile, interesting put pillowcases on the pillows, add luscious picture frames, and the house will look brighter.

Как сделать квартиру теплее. 5 визуальных приемов

2. Soft floor

Put on the floor carpets. It is not only more pleasant to walk barefoot, but his presence raises the temperature in the apartment. But if it will be bright green or terracotta color, the interior immediately acquires a summer feel.

Как сделать квартиру теплее. 5 визуальных приемов

3. Fruit mood

Don’t forget the vitamins. They are not only useful during autumn but also be a nice decoration for the interior. Green and red apples in a clear vase makes a wonderful accent, and herbs on the windowsill to distract attention from the gray autumn outside the window.

Как сделать квартиру теплее. 5 визуальных приемов

4. More light

The days are getting shorter, so make sure that your home was lighter. To do this, install additional sources of lighting: floor lamps, table lamps in interesting lamp shades will help make the interior warmer.

Как сделать квартиру теплее. 5 визуальных приемов

5. Add fire

Of course, the ideal escape from the autumn Blues will be the fireplace. In apartments its presence can be replaced by bio-fireplace or electric fireplace. If this is not possible, make interesting just for show and add candles.

The most important thing is to experiment and create the mood yourself.

Thank you for the advice of interior designer Mary Borovoe.