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Three star has pleased fans with candid snapshots. Let’s compare which of them is hotter.

The first news came from Europe. Monica Bellucci at the age of 51, starred in a candid photoshoot for the famous magazine Paris Match. In the pictures the actress is basking in the pool. And not in a sexy swimsuit as you might think. A Nude, fully Nude! In 51 years!

And these photos, no claim. Monica once again proved that you can be beautiful at any age! Well, or just the actress hiding house painting that ages for her, as the hero of Oscar Wilde’s Dorian gray. Or simply explain how you can sexually look at pre-retirement age is 55 in Russia are already starting retirement pay, among other things.

In addition, the actress is not shy to talk openly about sex. In an interview with French newspaper Monica admitted that already can not imagine a relationship with a man without love.

Preview of the stunning Story in Paris Match this Week By Fred Meylan. Production and Copyright HandK @studiofredmeylan Hair@Mua johnnollet @letiziacarnevale #monicabellucci#preview#parismatch#photographer#fredmeylan#actress#swimmingpool#monicabellucci#monica_bellucci#mostra#venezia#onthemilkyroad#emirkusturica#film

Photos published Monica Bellucci (@monicabellucciofficiel) St 7 2016 12:42 PDT

Kate Gordon is also pleased fans of several hot shots. The first black-and-white photos of TV host sits facing the camera, her not wearing any clothes, but she covered his hands. “Have a good weekend from me,” playfully signed the Kate. Members were in awe of its natural beauty and excitedly rushed to praise a star for the fact that she did not use photoshop and draw yourself a six-pack, and left his body the way it is. After seeing so many positive reviews, a day later, Gordon decided to share another picture.

“The line between a bare ass and the art of subtle, but infinite abyss. Draw it yourself” – signed photo with Katya.

“Shedevry!” – verdict followers of the stars and threw her new compliments. Well, what can I say, the photo really very beautiful and no vulgarity. So Gordon has nothing to be ashamed.

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The star of the television series “Kitchen” Maria Gorban was also in the trend. Today she wished us “Good morning” the half-naked out of bed.

By the way, this is not the first candid shot of the actress. Having excellent figure and good looks, Mary sees no reason to hide it. The day before, for example, she posted a sexy photo from the pool. Fans of the star under the picture said that the actress even don’t need to undress to look sexy. She has it in her blood. Really, even sleepy, in bed with scattered on the pillow hair, Gorban looks attractive and not funny how would look like the other.

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