Гузеева впервые рассказала о романе с Нагиевым

It turns out that many years ago the actors were romantically involved…

Recently on the First channel premiered the show “Rare” in which the stars of Russian show business make fun of each other and tell the most intimate secrets.

In one of the editions of actress and TV host “let’s get married!” Larissa guzeyeva told that many years ago she had an affair with actor Dmitry Nagiyev.

“I knew Dima Nagiyev when younger he called not his son. Then I was so far-sighted that spun an affair with him even before it became fashionable. The memory of that connection, remained a Juicer. With his light hand it’s a nickname I wore for a long time,” said Guzeeva.

Also, the presenter noted that 20 years ago Nagiyev was much easier, and dreamed about food, not about the high fees.

Dmitry Nagiyev in turn said that Lara Guzeeva left in his life the most vivid memories for him and it has always been and remains a beauty and a femme fatale.

“You’re not progressing. As was fateful a beauty, and has remained,” he joked.

Had Guzeeva and was novel or they are in the programme just kidding, unknown. But the high fees Dmitry Larisa impossible for him to lie.

At the beginning of this year it became known that, despite the crisis, the night of the party Dmitry Nagiev gets about 70 thousand euros. For comparison: his Hollywood colleague Bruce Willis earns twice less. Read more HERE.

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