Андрей Гайдулян помирился с невестой

The star of the sitcom “Univer” and “SASHATANYA” reunited with Diana Ochilboy.

In early spring, Andrew Hagolan broke up with his fiancee Diana Ochilboy, despite the fact that was going to marry the girl. The guys even set a date for the wedding, but the bride announced the breakup with the actor on his page in Instagram.

“There was no limit to my happiness – to be with you, and all we’ve been through. This is the best thing that happened to me, ” an unexpected confession made in his blog, the girl Andrew Diana. But something broke we won. And all that remains to us is to let go of everything in infinity. I wish happiness to everyone. Hurt. But it’s for the best. Beautiful end! Anyway, we are the winners with you!”

Fans wondered: this can not be! “I hope Diana has written on emotions, and they make peace”, – wrote some.

Now it turned out that it was only a quarrel and young people are still together. Calm in personal life of Giulana visible to the naked eye, he has already returned to work and is removed in the third part of the series “SASHATANYA”.

A close friend of the couple explained that the couple now everything is fine. Quarrel arise between them, as both emotional live as on a powder keg. “They are often raging Italian passion”, he said.

Recall that Andrew and Diane have been together for about five years, they met through friends at a party. Andrew was already a popular actor, the screens just released the first season of the series “Univer”. That’s just Diana a single episode not seen in the actor Andrew did not recognize. “This is me and bribed,” admitted Hagolan.

The couple soon began living together. Diana petted favorite delicious dishes, Andrew showered her with gifts, constantly suit any surprises.

Naturally, they decided to get married. The wedding was scheduled for autumn 2015. But it had to be postponed: the Giulana found a tumor. And the couple threw all their forces to fight this terrible disease. Fortunately, the actor managed to overcome the disease.

It now remains only to be happy for Andrew, and for his military friend who passed with him the most difficult times. And wait for the big wedding.

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