Елена Исинбаева поддержала Марию Шарапову  и прокомментировала допинг-скандал

Yelena Isinbayeva

Yelena Isinbayeva could not comment on the doping scandal in the center of which was Maria Sharapova. Two-time Olympic champion in the pole vault supported the player and all found to use of Meldonium Russian athletes.

Dear friends, I want to support in the person of Maria Sharapova all Russian athletes who experience problems in connection with positive doping test to identify so-called “doping” of Meldonium.

Isinbayeva has also predicted a ban on askorbinku, Hematogen and spoke about his grandmother taking the same drug that was found in a doping test Sharapova:

God, this is just ridiculous. My grandmother here for the last 6-7 years takes Mildronate (active ingredient Meldonium) and, oddly enough, superbebotas did not, supernatural abilities never revealed, stamina has not increased. Waiting for the list of prohibited substances and askorbinki Hematogen…

Елена Исинбаева поддержала Марию Шарапову  и прокомментировала допинг-скандал
Maria Sharapova and Yelena Isinbayeva

The doping scandal erupted over the weekend. It involved a tennis player Maria Sharapova, skater Paul Kulizhnikov, short Elistratov speed skater, figure skater Ekaterina Bobrova and volleyball player Aleksandr Markin.

In this case the Creator of Meldonium Ivars kalvinš refused to consider it doping. In his statement, he noted that after the ban of the drug will increase the deaths of athletes because it protects the heart from stress.

Елена Исинбаева поддержала Марию Шарапову  и прокомментировала допинг-скандал

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