Жены Льва Ошанина. Личная жизнь

Poet songwriter of Lev Ivanovich Oshanin (30.05.1912 — 30.12.1996) know and love in our country and abroad. Romantic, a Joker and humorist, he was twice married. For the first time, a talented poet fell in love with journalist Elena Uspenskaya, who was the granddaughter of the famous in the whole country of the writer Gleb Uspensky, and in 1936 they officially got married. The wife of Lev Oshanin is a writer and playwright, was a good friend and colleague of Lev Ivanovich.

		Жены Льва Ошанина. Личная жизнь

On the photo: Lev Oshanin

“Two hearts merged”

Warmth and love was filled with the poet’s life, so he dedicated to “my beautiful lady” ballads, tender and touching romances. During this period, Oshanin L. I. wrote love poems that were included in many collections. Only Lev Ivanovich Oshanin has produced more than 70 books of poetry. Elena Borisovna was his Muse and writer, worked in the newspaper “pioneer truth”.

		Жены Льва Ошанина. Личная жизнь

Lev Oshanin with his wife Elena Uspenskaya

Together hand in hand, these talented and loving each other people went through life for many years. They had a son Sergei and a daughter Tatyana, who became a famous writer and now lives in America. Playwright E. B. Uspenskaya with her husband L. I. Oshanin has created such plays as “Your own business” (1953), “I’ll find you” (1957) and “Yenisei thoughts” (1961).

		Жены Льва Ошанина. Личная жизнь

Lev Oshanin with son and daughter

However, despite his talent as a poet and playwright, Elena Uspenskaya was not so popular in our country like her husband, the poet Lev Oshanin. It was a Union of two creative, intelligent and passionate poetry of the people, which broke up quite unexpectedly.

		Жены Льва Ошанина. Личная жизнь

Lev Oshanin in his youth

In the summer of 1966, the assumption Elena Borisovna was found dead on the pavement near the house. After she learned that Lev Oshanin left her for another woman between them burst into a violent scandal. In the morning he, along with his young wife and called home to get my stuff. After Leo left, she became desperate to rush across the room and took hold of alcohol… No one even could not imagine that all will end so tragically.

“Thank you for the short happiness, because I’m young with you”

When the neighbors looked in on her room, he saw only an open wide window. The second wife of Lev Oshanin was an intelligent, young beauty Galina. He dedicated several of his poems. Lev was very attentive and helpful with a young woman, but a personal life with his second wife the poet did not work…

		Жены Льва Ошанина. Личная жизнь

Lev Oshanin at the concert

Man he was soft-hearted in some situations, even a weak-willed, and sometimes felt sorry for his family, and to the colleagues for their happy creative life for a large number of released his poetry books, for the love of the audience and especially the young lovers of poetry.

		Жены Льва Ошанина. Личная жизнь

To all manifestations of female attention from their admirers Lev Ivanovich treated with a deep sigh, sometimes very severe, but always with understanding, especially after the tragedy with his first wife Helen. Rimma Kazakova said that the basis of people’s love of songs and poems by Lev Oshanin is a huge, warm and intelligent love of the poet to the people.

		Жены Льва Ошанина. Личная жизнь

The Lion Monument Ochanine

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