The girl criticized the former darling of the player. Milan Kerzhakov told the audience that Catherine Safronov does not communicate with the son by the athlete. In addition, six months ago, a woman gave birth to a child from the new elect, which immediately parted.
For two years the whole country was watching family drama of the famous footballer Alexander Kerzhakov. The athlete broke up with sweetheart Ekaterina Safronova and took their son Igor to himself, accusing the ex-darling of addiction to prohibited drugs. For a long time the young woman tried to get the rights to raise the child by herself, but to no avail. According to Alexander, he can’t allow his son to remain with his mother.
Married to Milan Tulip, Kerzhakov managed to build a family such good relations that his son quickly made friends with the new wife. The girl made every effort to become the boy truly loved. However, she still can’t accept the fact that his biological mother does not initiate communication with the baby. Catherine became a mother again, and plunged into the upbringing of the young heir. Kerzhakov has condemned Safronov in the Studio of the program “live”.
“We didn’t cut off. Personally, I’m Sasha, we are open for communication. Otherwise I would not be talking about this all over the country on the Federal channel, says Milan. But I see that a person different life. And, this little baby of six months, no longer lives with his father. He lives with another man. I think it’s wrong that this is some kind of a sick mentality, it’s some kind of perversion”.