Eks-the participant “Houses-2” have decided to change the shape. Ekaterina Kolisnichenko did not waste time in the gym to gain the desired shape, and prefer to consult a plastic surgeon.
The star of “House-2” Ekaterina Kolisnichenko recently decided to divorce with her husband Nikita Kapelusze. Despite the fact that the couple has been together for quite a long time, they still chose to leave. Now Catherine begins a new life.
First she went to a plastic surgeon Nut Babayan to improve your figure. She decided on a fashionable procedure – fat grafting. Doctors to suck out the fatty tissue from problem areas Kolisnichenko, and then increase the buttocks of the patient. This procedure takes place in several stages. Now the star of a reality show for a second time to lie on the operating table. Catherine anticipate a brilliant result.
“It is planned to make the most of a narrow waist, I want as many as you can pump out. I do this procedure a second time. Now we’re taking fat tissue from other areas – hips, waist, you can still stomach to pick, area breeches. I think that you can make slimmer legs. Since the first time I had a boob job, I didn’t get much pump in the buttocks. Then I had swelling, so the effect on the buttocks were visible, but over the age of 50 or even 30 percent is left of the masses, because a lot resolved. I wanted to increase the buttocks, but my husband forbade me. Now I’m getting a divorce, and I will have a new body”, – told the “StarHit” Kolisnichenko.
The star of “House-2” told that it will boast of updated forms. During this time, she was forced to wear a compression garment. She realizes that in the first days after surgery body will have bruises that will subside in a week. In early November, the girl promised to demonstrate the result.
“In areas of the fence of adipose tissue the pain also persists for some time and only gradually fades. I was told that in the area of the buttocks where introducing adipose tissue, felt a little numb,” – said Kolesnichenko.
Despite the fact that Ekaterina was able to achieve the desired result through regular sessions in the gym, she realizes that is not wasted in training. Kolisnichenko considering physical activity as a way of saving obtained after the operation result.
“You can do it quickly, trust in the checked up person, and the gym will be to keep in shape. It is necessary to use the hands of professionals. Moreover, I believe that every girl wants to do such an operation,” – shared the star of “House-2” thoughts with “StarHit”.