Веру Брежневу жестко раскритиковали за темный цвет волос Fans took a bold transformation of the singer. Vera Brezhnev surprised in an unexpected way viewers brunette Big Love Show in “Olympic”. Be a star nobody saw.

      Singer Vera Brezhnev undoubtedly became the main sensation of the concert, Big Love Show, which is traditionally held on the eve of Valentine’s Day. The star appeared on the red carpet of the Olympic stadium in a very unexpected way. Is luxurious blonde tresses are in love with all the fans of the singer Vera Brezhneva appeared simply caret jet black. Replaced sexy blonde came to a fatal brunette, arguing that the Brezhnev – girl is extremely brave and not afraid of radical change.

      Photos of the singer in an unexpected way immediately leaked and caused a very conflicting opinions from fans of the singer. Not all of them were prepared to make bold experiments of Vera Brezhneva over the exterior.

      “You, of course, also beautiful, but blonde is better”, “Faith, blond – it’s definitely yours!”, “Don’t look good in black, the horror!”, “Hair color is awful is not. Added years”, “It’s her age”, “the Experiment failed” – spoken by members of Vera Brezhneva, seeing the movie in a new way in the microblog singer.

      Many have realized that such a radical transformation of the singer made just wearing a wig, under which she hid her luxurious hair. It should be noted that a portion of loyal fans supported the Brezhnev Faith in her quest to try on unexpected roles.

      “Faith, at least in beauty!”, “Always beautiful! Thank you to the stylists”, “black wig too, I love the way it turned out…”, “that’s Right, experiments bring some new feelings, and nothing wrong with that. But now you can know exactly what is suitable and what is not,” “Faith, you’re amazing”, – admired by followers of the singer.

      By the way, just a week ago Vera Brezhnev starred in the seductive Italian beauty at a party on the occasion of its 35th anniversary. Vera Brezhnev threw a party in the Italian style

      The singer partied with friends and close relatives in one of the elite restaurants of Kiev, which was closed that day for other guests and is fully furnished in accordance with the requirements of the guest of honor. On the Faith appeared in the dress of famous designers that emphasized her slender figure and perfectly fit into the bright surroundings of the Italian party.