Валерий Меладзе раскритиковал российский шоу-бизнес

Meladze brothers – some of the best musical figures of the national stage. Constantine is working on the creation of repertoire, Valery is with great joy and dignity it takes.

On the professional stage, this creative Duo has been working for more than 30 years. Taking into account such a great experience, it’s safe to say that Valery and Konstantin know how to work, to play and to show to the audience.

But now things have drastically changed and on the modern stage, according to Valery, everything is too weird and haphazard: “Her General background was always so… weird. First ideologically, then, in terms of music and taste. Today when I watch music channels, I understand that there is a battle on the level that I’m just not interested. Not because I’m a snob, not because I talk like a man, discontentedly grumbling at the younger generation. It really is all bad!”.

The biggest problem of modern industry Valery believes the lack of intelligent composers and producers: “Most producers are either husbands, who in music have no clue, or people who are just good at counting money. It managers, but a real producer is a Creator.”

Another point on which to concentrate is the quality of the musical product, not quantity: “Why so many bad clips and music? Because in show business there is no system, one chaos. Some people come to different professionals: one writes a song, the other arranges, writes a third, fourth, removed the clip — it is not clear what. All work in isolation and without Tsar in the head”.