Под венец в «положении»? Фото Пуговки из «Папиных дочек» вызвало ажиотаж
Katya Starshova tried on the bridesmaid dress.

Katia Starshova

Photo: @Instagram starshovakate Katie Starkovoy

Katya Starshova not the heroine of gossip for many years and does not associate itself with the world of show business, but still watch for her life thousands of subscribers in social networks. Button from the TV series “Daddy’s girls” could now be on the wave of popularity, but she chose a different path. Instead of filming in television — figure skating classes, and in return the secular parties — learning in school and preparation for admission to the Institute. In General, her life completely absent of “intrigues, scandals and investigations.” However, it is not so…

Some time ago in the Network appeared rumors that 16-year-old Starshova pregnant. There were these rumors, as often happens, from the assumptions of the users of social networks. Someone saw something and as a result, the media published headlines “button” from “Daddy’s daughters” become a mother”. Katya has acted with an official refutation of this story. However, recently again fueled rumors about her pregnancy.

Starshova has placed in his microblog photo of the bride dress with a gesture typical for new moms. In the picture she posed gently hugging the belly hand. Frame has caused a stir and a lot of questions to Starkovoy: “Is it still a wedding?», «Married?”, “Means that the pregnancy rumors true?”, “She’s only 16 years old, where’s she going”, “Under the crown in “position”?»

However, in reality there is nothing to discuss. No, Starshova, like she said, not pregnant. A photo posted online, was made in April of last year, trying on outfits for the reporting of performances in the theater on the ice. The wedding, like pregnancy, Kate is not planning. And the posted in social networks, probably in order to catch some “hype”, or maybe just didn’t think that people will again speculate on the topic of her pregnancy.