К кому Рыбников ревновал Ларионову?
A family friend of the legendary artists has revealed the details of their relationship.

Alla Larionova

Photo: Mosfilm-info

A family friend of Alla Larionova and Nikolai Rybnikov Nikolay Larin shared with the editors of “7D” their memories of legendary artists. In particular, Nikolay admitted that Rybnikov is often jealous of his wife, though mind tried not feeding. “Alla treated me as his, we often spent time together, — says Larin. — Once we all were together in Sochi, where Alla Kolya gave concerts. I lived in a different hotel, but the day we met on the beach, then had lunch and in the evening went to the concert. And, I remember, come dressed for presentation: we with Alla in front and nick behind us. I told him: “Kolya, why are you lagging behind, join us!” And he said: “what I really up to such beauties as you! Stomp!”

And once calls me mom Larionova: to meet Alla at the airport. She arrives from a tour, and nick is busy filming. I bought the flowers and drove off. And here Alla coming towards me, I rush to her with flowers, kisses her on the cheek, take her stuff. And suddenly I see next to Rybnikov. Ask: “are You here from? Well you said that you can’t.” — “How could I not your favorite to meet? says Kohl. — Escaped at the last moment!” Rybnikov came with his best friend, Oleg Damn. By the way, Oleg worked in the Maryinsky Mostorg Department carpets. In the Soviet years, if some of the actors needed the carpet, everything was going to Rybnikov, and he turned to Oleg, and he didn’t just get what you needed, but money artists never took. And here come the four of us home, note Allocine return. Out of the guests along with Oleg, got into the subway, and he told me: “Kolya ran away from the shooting, asked me to take him by car, but for flowers we have not had time. Rushed to the airport, and nick said, “you Know what I fear? Larin may appear!” He said that — and here we see you with the bouquet. And then Rybnikov said: “I was tired of him I’ll ever kill!” Oleg tried to object: “So it is not only your wife likes it and for you is”. What Rybnikov said: “I he flowers don’t really gives a…”

Full interview with Nikolai Larin read here>>