Теона Дольникова и Максим Щеголев отказались от услуг няни
The singer has not parted with four-month-old son.

Теона Дольникова и Максим Щеголев отказались от услуг няни

Teona Dolnikova

Photo: @dollydolnikova Instagram Teona Dolnikova

Teona Dolnikova, despite his returning from maternity leave yet and did not think to look for a nanny for his young son. The singer manages to work without parting with the baby. Recently she attended a master class on the vocal, which is held in the capital, the teacher, Celine Dion, Greg Enriquez.

In the event Theon came along with four-month-old son. “We with the son are inseparable! Even at the master class on vocal go together! It was an awesome class, crazy energy Greg and vocal secrets I won!” — shared his impressions Dolnikova. The star of the musicals joked that the master class very much and her little son. By the way, in those rare cases when Theon fails for some reason to take his son with him, with him still in the mother of the performer.

Theon Dolnikova and Maxim Shchegolev

Photo: @dollydolnikova Instagram Teona Dolnikova

Recall that Theon gave birth to a son, the actor Maxim Schegolev. Plans for a quick wedding young parents not yet open. Novel Dolnikova with the father of her firstborn was started a year and a half ago, but they kept the relationship secret. That Theon and max live together became known during the pregnancy of the actress.