Звезда сериала «Кадетство» развелся и впал в депрессию
Actor Pavel Bessonov thin from boredom.

Звезда сериала «Кадетство» развелся и впал в депрессию

Photo: Instagram

Another not so funny story about the children’s popularity. Pavel Bessonov became famous after the role of a Sergeant with a funny name Perepechko in the TV series “kadetstvo”. Funny, naive fat man came from the village, totally captivated the audience. Only, alas, early fame did not bring happiness to the actor.

When Pasha was invited to appear in “kadetstvo”, he was 14 years old. He studied at usual high school. He’s not zazvezdilsya because of its popularity, but the constant shooting is very much interfered with his study. He couldn’t afford to run to the Studio after school, as work on the series was held in Tver. After three seasons of “Kadetstvo” Paul was invited to appear in the TV series “the Kremlin cadets”, then there were several projects, but much less successful.

In the personal life of the actor, too, everything seemed fine. During a trip to the sea Paul met a girl, fell in love and asked her to marry him. Young people played a big wedding and planned to live happily ever after, but their family boat, like many others, has crashed against the everyday.

To provide young wife fees from infrequent filming, the actor couldn’t. Besides, he wanted to get away from the constant good-natured small image, so decided to briefly leave the profession. Whom it only did not work: administrator in a beauty salon, a seller of balloons, inspector in Lombard… well, I did what many people do not learn in school (from Bessonova just didn’t have time!) not received higher education.

Photo: Personal archive of a star

The family began the scandals that are slowly but surely brought the spouses to divorce. Zinaida (that was the name of the wife of the actor) decided to break with the past and to erase Paul from my life. After the breakup, she legally changed not only the name, but the name that no one has ever been able to associate it with the star of the TV screen.

A painful breakup, plus the ex-wife’s actions imposed Bessonova into a real depression.

“I two months do not go out of the house, told Bessonov life. — Not eating, not drinking. Lost a lot of weight. Doctors the alarm sounded, they say you have anorexia. Now somehow I pulled myself together. But still very hard. I’m pretty much depressed”.

Now the pictures at the thin and haggard young man hard man to find cute Sergeant Perepechko. However, you can already see changes for the better. Bessonov got back in touch with friends and to have fun, and he tries to look to the future with optimism.