Звезда сериала «Счастливы вместе» рассталась с мужем Julia Zakharova went with her husband Alexander. The actress admitted that their feelings have cooled, so they put an end to the relationship. The star of the show hoping for the best and still believes in love.
Звезда сериала «Счастливы вместе» рассталась с мужем

Almost three years Julia, who played the role of Lena a piece of Wood in the sitcom “Happy together”, lived in a civil marriage with the musician Alexander Doronin. They even planned the wedding. But recently, by mutual consent the couple decided to put an end to the relationship, stalled.

“Sasha and I are no longer together – confessed 37-year-old Zakharova “StarHit”. – Broke up no fighting, just the feeling’s gone…

The gap I experienced hard, after all this years of affection for each other. I was helped by words from an interview with actress Evgenia Kryukova: “the fate of each person there are times when he doesn’t understand what’s going on. But if you were a good and open, then life will give you true love!” So leave the negativity in the past.”

To distract from sad thoughts, Julia has completely devoted himself to the work. “With a friend-Director Maria Zaryanko want to open theatre project, will gather people who are not indifferent to poetry – continues to Julia. – They will be able to perform on stage with any poems! I’m very fond of writing. I remember when we spoke to scientists at one of the corporate holiday. Got a great pleasure from communication with guests and the atmosphere in General! For the project we wrote a few original songs, they will play the background”.

Recall that in the TV series Julia played Bukin nearest neighbor and best friend Dasha. For all history of existence of the series heroine Zakharova changed several times. In the beginning she played a newlywed and in love with her husband Eugene. However, spouses are not able to build a happy family life, so after the next anniversary dispersed.