Our talk today is dedicated to a wonderful journalism and amazing girl ELLA ORIGINAL. At the moment, ELLA ORIGINAL has his own blog in Instagram @ellaoriginal01 and prepares projects for different areas in the media space. About its formation and history of achievements ELLA said in an exclusive interview.
Zvezdi.ru: Ella, Hello! Judging by the comments on your Instagram site, which, incidentally, is signed by 1.2 million people, is the most popular question – who do you work for? Or is it a few of the professions that you manage to combine?
ELLA ORIGINAL: I can’t associate myself with any one specialty. In my life I was guided by the desire to understand what is interesting to me here and now. And something one is not limited. Of the latter, I decided that I see myself in journalism and actively develop it now.
Zvezdi.ru: Tell us about your business, how you came to that sphere of activity in which they develop in the moment.
ELLA ORIGINAL: I have always loved to communicate with different people and everytime I had an overwhelming desire to know the interlocutor better understand what he feels and lives than how we are similar and that I can learn from our dialogue with them for yourself. And in order for this communication is not limited to the various social frameworks, I began to study journalism, one of the spheres of life, which is my passion.
Zvezdi.ru: was it Difficult to achieve your goals? You can say that you were lucky or it was the way “through the thorns to the stars”?
ELLA ORIGINAL: to change lives for the better, you must go to a level above that which you are now, and to develop the personality that will match that level. And this can only be done through self-discipline and the ability to intelligently allocate the available resources. These aspects at the time it was very hard to master but I did and continue to evolve, conquering new heights.
Zvezdi.ru: How important to you support and the esteem of others?
ELLA ORIGINAL: Thanks to these two things, I define the success of their actions. Support is certainly important to me, because feeling the support of the close person, I understand that we can only move forward.
Zvezdi.ru: Family and friends supported? It helps if you critique or Vice versa – the way?
ELLA ORIGINAL: Supported but often had to defend their opinion, because the older generation relies on his experience, which, unfortunately, is not very relevant and sometimes does not meet modern trends of business development. As for criticism, certainly helps. It is a sort of signal that perhaps the necessary adjustments for further work.
Zvezdi.ru There is an opinion that the main desire. What about the knowledge? Tell me you have higher education?
ORIGINAL ELLA: Yes, I have two higher education. Without desire, in fact, there will be no work, nor knowledge. Specialty first degree is management and control. I worked in this area for 7 years and quite successfully. For the second higher education I am a journalist.
Zvezdi.ru: what do you think, can a person be a specialist in any field without having a degree?
ELLA ORIGINAL: IN our great time of education in educational institutions has lost its meaning as all the educational material available in the Internet and there are no obstacles in obtaining information. But since we have no alternative confirmation of knowledge without a formal education anywhere.
Zvezdi.ru now you tried it yourself in a few professions. Tell me where they feel most comfortable and that’s what led to change the scope of activities and try something new?
ELLA ORIGINAL: I was Comfortable in every profession, just interests have changed. Also has varied circle of friends, and again I was interested to meet new people and learn from them something new. All this has led me to what I was doing journalism. At this point I decided to associate with the profession my future, as has long been unconsciously practice it.
Zvezdi.ru Give some tips to our readers who are afraid to change their life, to quit a boring job and experiencing myself dreamt of doing.
ELLA ORIGINAL: Normally one and all in search of itself, suggest: “Do what you like and be happy.” The idea is good, but if you put it on purpose, it’s not gonna happen, because these words do not lead to direct actions. Therefore, there is a solution, thanks to which you will be able to change your life right now. “Don’T do what you don’T like it”, taking the phrase as a basis, you will be free from the shackles that restrain you to do what you like, whether you hated the work, unpleasant environment or unbearable of the city.
Zvezdi.ru: And why you started? Moving on to the next stage of your life, you were prepared or it was an impulse, an irresistible urge?
ELLA ORIGINAL: IN my life there were always understanding of what I want to be. My desire to take a leadership position helped me to go forward and not be afraid of difficulties. After all, the goal was the ability to create something of their own and realize their dreams and skills in creativity. So I started a career in the event. And also engaged in the advertising business. To date, I like to practice journalism. By the way, soon the opening of my Youtube channel, going to watch? I hope to pleasantly surprise you.
Zvezdi.ru: We are in the forefront of subscribers! Tell me how to start the day Ella? How much time a day do you spend in communication with other people?
ELLA ORIGINAL: All the work – communicating with clients, meeting with staff, planning – I organized in the first half of the day. In the remaining time I’m mobile and try not to stay in the office. Every day I spend 2-3 hours your sports passions, the beauty and Hiking in various salons and spas I emit an average of 4 hours a week. Communication with loved ones can be at any time, because I’m always online and I would like everyone to pay attention. All meetings with friends usually carry on the weekends to have more opportunities to discuss all the news and tell each other about all the adventures during the week.
Zvezdi.ru: do you Know how to properly allocate time to enough for the realization of all his plans, for example, for a day or a week? Or, it often happens that new contacts, appointments, and problem points make adjustments? Can you think of your job or stressful, after all, it is more pleasant moments?
ELLA ORIGINAL: Head of all – discipline. Therefore, without time management anywhere. Only a systematic approach will lead you to it, and the proper distribution of effort helping me resolve a stressful situation. Any stressful situation I try to survive for the benefit of themselves and turn it into a new life experience.
Zvezdi.ru: how do you relax? We will be glad to advice – how to relax after a overly active day?
ELLA ORIGINAL: holiday For me is first of all removal from the daily chores and tasks, which makes rebooting the brain and relieves tension. This is usually the travel abroad, in warm countries. Or trying to spend time with loved to me people with whom I comfortable to be in any mood.
Zvezdi.ru how Often do manage to travel? If so, tell us about favourite places and why do you allocate this place/country?
ELLA ORIGINAL: travel often, favorite places much. Most of all I love Spain. Try to be there a few times a year. I especially love Marbella and the opportunity for long walks along the sea and enjoy the beautiful scenery.
Zvezdi.ru: How do you think a successful vacation depends on the place, mood, company, amount of Finance or from the correct placement and arrangement of these factors?
ELLA ORIGINAL: of Course, all of this together. But the most important thing is to realize the long dream. Very important for me company when I go to the mountains to go snowboarding. Once a year we have a tradition to go with friends to a ski resort. And in good company, even at high altitude I feel safe.
Zvezdi.ru Your perfect holiday – what is it?
ELLA ORIGINAL: I will Say briefly: sea, beach, deck chair and good company. Although there were moments when one was under the circumstances good.
Zvezdi.ru: How “hurt” your business if you suddenly decide to go somewhere? Whether that happened? There are people you can rely on or you like to keep everything under control?
ELLA ORIGINAL: My work is not directly tied to one place. Thanks to the Internet, trips do not cause problems and inconveniences.
Zvezdi.ru By: photo from Instagram it is noticeable that you have enough time on active sessions. Have you been doing dancing and sports?
ORIGINAL ELLA: Yes, I do sports, 5 years. Once for me it was my life. Over time it has become a hobby that is liked to this day.
Zvezdi.ru: whether to Build large-scale plans? Do you feel any difference between goal and dream?
ELLA ORIGINAL: of Course, big plans and forced me to act from day to day. Dreams are not specified purpose 🙂
Zvezdi.ru: Tell me about the plans for the future?
ELLA ORIGINAL: See yourself in journalism. Prepare a few projects that are going to develop as the interviewer. This is a new direction that requires a lot of time for self-realization. So at this point in my life I need the support of my loved ones in this endeavor. I want to be useful to people that they care about in everyday life. To help them cope with the difficulties through which we all pass. And also to disclose the identities of other people and show them different aspects of nature in order to be an example of a man who moves on in spite of any difficulties.
Zvezdi.ru And, admit it, how do you draw strength? We also want to be as charming and tireless Energizer : )
ELLA ORIGINAL: to be energetic, you first need to meet all what nature asks from us. And most importantly, it is, of course, communication with people who energize and encourage you to move forward. A personal example might be that I draw inspiration from a hobby that fond of since childhood. Thus, feed your inner child and indulge him in activities. And who, like no kids, a lot of effort and energy that charged us. Even as an adult, I do not forget about yourself a little. And it gives me enthusiasm.
Zvezdi.ru what is the main components that help you to move on.
ELLA ORIGINAL: Achieve and discover the unknown.
Zvezdi.ru: what or whom do you most often think of falling asleep?
ELLA ORIGINAL: “One sheep, two sheep, three sheep…” Joke:) falling Asleep, I focus on the scheduled day and visualize how it all develops successfully.
Zvezdi.ru: Continue the phrase: “the World would be better if…”.
ELLA ORIGINAL: If everyone will do his work to which he is predisposed.
To be honest – to get away from Ella is not wanted. The conversation was not only fascinating, but useful for those who, like, knows how to set goals, but somehow does not dare to make the first move. I hope that after such a “charged” interview in the world will be more people who don’t do what burdens, and try, seek, gain experience and constantly improving. We had a lot of questions, but we decided to save them until the next meeting.
Not so long ago, October 1, Ella had a birthday! If You have the same desire or just curious to see some pictures and learn more information about our interviewee, – you can do it on the ORIGINAL page, ELLA page instagram.com/ellaoriginal01