Актер сериала «Интерны» встретился с отцом погибшего Стаса Думкина Parents and witnesses tried to clarify the circumstances of the conflict. Stas Dunkin died in hospital after a fight in Gorky Park. He Roots Makarov, who is accused of murder, appeared on the scene.
Актер сериала «Интерны» встретился с отцом погибшего Стаса Думкина

Last week it became known that blogger from St. Petersburg Stas Dunkin died in hospital after a fight in Gorky Park. A young man came into conflict with the son of the actor of the series “Interns” Sergei Makarov Corneille. According to some, the heir of the artist didn’t like how he was wearing his opponent. After fight Dunkin fell to the ground and with injuries was taken to hospital. Without regaining consciousness, he died a week later. The young man was only 25 years old.

After the scandal in the media revealed that the offender Stas was detained by the police. Roots Makarov pleads not guilty. The investigation took him into custody until October 13. Guide Gorky Park clarify the circumstances of the death of 25-year-old blogger

The Studio program “Let them talk” appeared the accused’s father Sergei Makarov. He said that the incident was reported to him familiar, but he did not believe them. Then he called the investigators and asked to come to them in the day. However, the artist did not do this because he thought that his cheating, and therefore turned to the lawyer. He advised to wait for the summons. A little later, the son told about what happened in the ill-fated day in the capital.

“A festival was there, and went home late. Was company, two times the fight was stopped. The instigator of the fight and I wanted another companion, whether one-on-one, who died there wanted to go. My son said that there you don’t have, will understand. It Stas hand by the throat to push him, using foul language, son pushed. Felt threatened, ammonul hand. That was all he told”, said the man.

In the Studio there was a friend of Anton. He doubts the veracity of the father of Makarov. The young man believes that Stas could not fall from mild shock, as did the bodybuilding. They also began to discuss the video obtained from surveillance cameras. There much, as I bet two people. Anton said that the Roots of a practiced martial arts, but because might know about the strength of its impact.

As soon as father Stas Dumkina entered the Studio of the program “Let them talk”, Sergey Makarov have brought their condolences. The man told about how he was informed about the tragedy.

“We broke down with my wife, she was out of town, and I’m a fan of “Zenit” watching the game. The father’s heart in the morning told me that something happened. But, unfortunately, when the son went to Moscow, I knew friends, but do not know the rooms did not climb in his life. Son always told where he is. When I called my mother-in-law and said that our son is in the hospital, we dropped everything and came to Moscow,” remembered the man.

Sergei denied that never practiced martial arts, and served in the army in the communications division. However, the experts in the Studio has admitted that the 22-year-old Korney well delivered blow.

He Roots is back on the scene and told the crew of the program “Let them talk” how it all happened.

Актер сериала «Интерны» встретился с отцом погибшего Стаса Думкина“We passed by, sat a company of young people, a conflict occurs twice almost came to a fight, I intervened. The two friends started to go in the wrong direction, and Stas grabbed me by the throat and said don’t go there, they say, will decide for themselves. He grabbed me by the throat, I’m confused, he began to threaten me, in response I pushed. It was fast, difficult to focus, I pushed, he took a couple of steps backward, then came at me. I thought attack. Instinctively I hit him and immediately began to leave, but didn’t. I hit a man, I’m ready for it,” said 22-year-old Roots.
Актер сериала «Интерны» встретился с отцом погибшего Стаса Думкина

Each Stas Amal appeared at the Studio “Let them talk”. He said that was the reason of the conflict. The young man remembered that they were walking in Gorky Park with the girls.

“We were approached by three guys, drunk, they drank vodka with water, and took Stas hat with the words “Give, get”, – said the young man.
Актер сериала «Интерны» встретился с отцом погибшего Стаса Думкина

He was outraged by this act and took the headpiece from the stranger. After this incident, Dunkin together with friends decided to leave the Park. The company Korney followed them cursing and swearing after them. However, a friend of Makarov Alexey has put forward a very different version.

“We met Amal’s company, said Hello, met. The hat lay nearby. Stas sat, there lay a hat, a girl. Denis took his hat and tried on,” – said the guy.

According to Alexey, they made polite conversation, and it Damkina was the instigator of the conflict. However, each Corneille admitted that they drank alcoholic beverages. Makarov himself said that did not know about the tragic outcome of the stay in the Park.

“It is unfortunate that it happened, it could happen to anyone. I feel bad for his family. I pushed the man but never thought it would lead to such,” admitted the Roots.