Татьяна Лютаева показала подросшего сына Дитковските и Чадова
Grandson of actress captured the hearts of subscribers.

Agnia Ditkovskite with son Theodore

Photo: @tanialyutaeva Instagram Tatiana Lutaeva

Tatiana lutaeva recently shared a touching snapshot of a grandson of the actress in the arms of her daughter Agnes Ditkovskite. Noticeably grown Fyodor, it was the name of the heir of the pair captured the hearts of podeschi.

“They are such tender and beautiful!”, “God! What a cutie! The boy is handsome! I wish you happiness!”, “What a funny grandson! Himself the vows?” — wrote fans. Many noted that the boy, with lively mimicry, in the future could follow in the footsteps of parents and become an artist.

Incidentally, the photo was taken on the day of Agnes return from a tour. As we learned from microblog Ditkovskite, the son prepared for her return is a surprise. At the initiative of Theodore was bought a bouquet of yellow tulips, which he handed to beloved mother.

Recall that immediately after the birth of her son Ditkovskite and her husband Alexey Chadov has long concealed the face of his heir. The pair began to show portraits of the boy just after he turned two. Agnes, however, probably formed a habit, often photographs his son from behind.