Страдающий от алкоголизма Крис Кельми испугал зрителей ужасным видом The artist claims that have recovered from addiction. Recently, however, Chris kelmi was unexpectedly admitted to the hospital. According to doctors, the musician not epilepsy, and toxic brain damage. The artist must completely abandon the use of alcoholic beverages.
Страдающий от алкоголизма Крис Кельми испугал зрителей ужасным видом

21 APR Chris kelmi said birthday. The actor was 63 years. Team of “Let them talk” prepared a festive aired on Chris, but under the influence of external circumstances their plans have changed. The holiday singer of the hit “Night rendezvous” met under the supervision of doctors.

Recently nothing foretold troubles. Reporters went to the country house of Kelme, which he shares with cats. The musician met friendly employees transmission and sang songs. After a time, Chris suddenly felt sick. The newscast showed footage taken at the hospital.

“The attack was on the night of the first day. Third, I probably did. A lot of infusions and vitamins. Vodka I do not drink, but the gin is diluted, to get 10 degrees. Well, it happens that you drink in a day to a maximum of 100 grams of wine. It’s not bottles as before”, – told the artist, when he was in a medical facility.
Страдающий от алкоголизма Крис Кельми испугал зрителей ужасным видом

Eugene Buceatchi, the clinic which did the musician clarified that he initially complained of epileptic seizures. However, experts have put Chris in a different diagnosis.

“He believed that he had epilepsy. We had a diagnosis and made sure that Chris had no organic lesions of the Central nervous system. Therefore, his seizure was the result of toxic effects on the brain. It’s toxic encephalopathy. His liver does not withstand any amounts of alcohol. If it is to continue to drink alcohol and not to follow the recommendations of doctors, he will have a sad end,” shared Buchatskiy.
Страдающий от алкоголизма Крис Кельми испугал зрителей ужасным видом

Psychiatrist Erken Imanbaev said that he was familiar with Kelme, and shared his view on his condition. “I see that he’s itching usually happens during the transition from hepatitis to cirrhosis. And there are “hepatic” palms, stars, yellowness of the sclera,” – said the expert. The expert admitted that he was scared to watch the artist.

Chris kelmi found the strength to appear in the Studio. The actor appeared before the public in a dark suit and cap. More recently, Chris returned from Thailand, looked pretty good for his age. But now the musician produces a different impression. When Kelme entered, the audience greeted him with thunderous applause. According to the musician, he feels fine and does not complain of pain. “We have a fuse blew in the country. There is pristupom from the kitchen to the living room, I caught him. It was an accident. Then we drove to Eugene Bucaccia. All is good, soon I’ll be fit as a fiddle,” said the musician.

Страдающий от алкоголизма Крис Кельми испугал зрителей ужасным видом
Страдающий от алкоголизма Крис Кельми испугал зрителей ужасным видом

Brother Chris Yevhen Suslov, who is the Director of the musician, also joined the discussion on the air. A relative of the artist noticed that in recent years with Kelme’s always something happening. Eugene was accused of indifference to Chris. Suslov has refuted this assumption. “I often come to him. When he was in the hospital and disconnected the phone I couldn’t get through to him. In the result, I was contacted by the neighbor”, – said Eugene.

His opinion about the situation, which turned out to be Chris, shared, and Dana Borisova. Leading sure kelmi too little time spent in rehab.

“I want to support Chris. Yes, him rehabilitation might not help, unlike me. I believe rehabilitation is effective if it lasts six months. He was only a few weeks. Group Chris did not go, his illness is not recognized. Claimed drank 7-8 years ago. The same thing that he says here,” shared Dana.
Страдающий от алкоголизма Крис Кельми испугал зрителей ужасным видом

In the final transfer ex-lover kelmi Polina Belova expressed a desire to take him. However, the young woman failed to realize their plans in life. After the recording of the program brother Chris put him in a taxi, and Pauline gave to sit in the car. Offended Belov is hit Eugene bag. “The thing. With her beloved were separated” – shouted after him Belov.

Страдающий от алкоголизма Крис Кельми испугал зрителей ужасным видом