Звезда «Comedy Woman» объявила о беременности
Tatiana Morozova is preparing to become a mother for the second time.

Tatyana Morozova with her husband and daughter Sophia

Photo: @tatyanamorozova Instagram Tatiana Morozova

Tatiana Morozova is preparing for a pleasant change in life. The star of “Comedy Woman” has announced that it is in a “situation”. That the actress will become a mother for the second time became known.

The actress has long been planning to give birth to their daughter Sophia a little brother or sister. Yet what gender her unborn child is unknown and the family members of Tatiana’re betting on whom she is expecting: boy or girl? The fact that Morozova is born mainly for the fairer sex, and the relatives of the husband (Paul Titarova — approx. ed.) believe that the couple has a son.

She already planned your maternity leave, which will be very brief. All because she for the next year there is agreement on different projects. So to work of Morozova will be, “victory”, and then sit at home a couple of months and will return to the stage.

“Coincidentally, as soon as I learned about his interesting position, I fell down a bunch of offers. It plays, and television projects. I thought, “How timely I got pregnant, otherwise it would not have gone on maternity leave ever.” I hope the coming year will be fruitful. In the decree do not plan to overstay: the child waits in June, and the work can begin in September-October. There is something supernatural: earlier in the field gave birth and immediately went to mow”, — said Tatiana Wday.ru.