Робби Уильямс и его супруга планируют третьего ребёнка

In the family of the famous singer Robbie Williams soon expected completion. The famous actor in a recent interview with Forbes admitted that he and his wife Ajda plan to have another child.

The couple have been married for five years and already raising two children – daughter Theodore (or Teddy, as it is affectionately known in the family) and son Charlton, who is less than two years. Robbie admits that he always wanted the age difference between children was not large, but because now is the time to think about another family member.
“We are actively working on this issue” — said Williams , “When Charlie was born, Teddy was not happy about this, but now everything has changed – kids are crazy from each other. They are always together – playing, sleeping. When I read a bedtime story, cuddling, listening to me.”
IDA also joined the conversation and told her that her husband, despite his busy schedule, it helps her with the kids, so she’s not difficult having two young children, decided on another baby.
“Robbie is a very good husband and father. I’m always amazed at his ability to combine work and family. It’s not just near, he is acting father, and even part of my work takes on” — admires IDA. Let’s hope that the efforts of the spouses will be successful and next year they will have another child.

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