Рэйчел Макадамс родила первенца

39-year-old actress Rachel McAdams gave birth to a son, 37-year-old lover Jamie Linden. Detailed data about the joyous event — no name, no time of arrival of the boy. If you doubted the news, then nothing. Witnesses saw the couple walking with their son.

About the interesting position of the star only became known in February, the actress used all his stealth and acting, not to reveal the pregnancy. She rarely went out, and if they appear in front of paparazzi, he wears baggy clothes. In addition to pregnancy, McAdams also concealed the relationship with Linden. To meet they started two years ago and during that time never appeared in public together.

“Part of me really wants children, but all will depend on whether I find the person with whom you want to be a mother,” — said in 2010, the actress. Apparently, she found the perfect partner in the person of the writer.

It is known that from 2005 to 2007, she dated Ryan Gosling, but a longer relationship she had with actor Michael sheen started filming the movie “Midnight in Paris”.

One of the latest news about McAdams that there’s not a lot, was her story about sexual harassment. When she was 21 years old, the actress auditioned for the role in the film “Harvard crowd.” A typical scenario of the sample suddenly find yourself in a hotel room where there was an unpleasant situation. The actress confused left and soon called his agent, who, as it turned out, was aware of such “tricks” the Director and knew what dooms Rachel.

“The agent was very sorry and said: “I can’t believe he did it again. This is not the first case. He also behaved with one of my other Actresses”. I was angry to say the words because I felt that I was thrown into the lion’s den and was not warned about a meeting with a predator,” recalled McAdams.