Прохор Шаляпин и Лена Ленина тайно уединились на Маврикии The artist has gone on vacation with a spectacular blonde. It was in company with Lena Lena Chaliapin feels comfortable, she can understand and support a young person in a difficult moment. Celebrity hide that they went to rest together.

      After a disappointment in love Prokhor Chaliapin decided to go after friend Lena Lena and even flew her to relax on Mauritius located in the Indian ocean. Typically, in difficult periods of life the artist always turned for advice to the famous writer that is well versed in sexual relationships.

      As Lenin argues, Prokhor even showered her with gifts. On New year he presented Leno, a mink coat, and on the anniversary of Dating businesswoman received a diamond ring with ruby.

      Lenin and the West, seem to carefully conceal a joint vacation in the Indian ocean. However, a source close to stars confirmed that they do rest together. Lena shares photos with other social networks, and puts landscapes with palm trees. The woman answers to any questions followers, but keeps secret the name of the person with whom flew to Mauritius. Prokhor hides from the public, where at the moment.

      Communicating with the media, Prokhorov and Lena always say the same thing: “We’re just friends”. However, fans of the writer know they have relations with other format.

      The writer tells about their emotions in social networks. “In our beautiful hotel staff are more than visitors. But dogs are not allowed here, and I terribly miss Leopold and Cleopatra. It’s amazing how quickly people get used to their shaggy crumbs. We have never had any Pets at home, and I these feelings are unusual,” wrote the owner of the nail salons under the frame of the hotel lobby.

      Lenin on vacation enjoying the local cuisine, as well as sunning on the sandy Indian beaches. “There is a heaven! And it is warm, beautiful around, chirping of the heavenly birds, and people eat exotic fruits,” – said Lena, promising soon to put shots in a swimsuit. Fans are looking forward to the Nude pictures, because I know that Lenin prefers to only the outfits that effectively emphasize its flattering shape.