Беременная Зейналова рассказала о затяжном конфликте с Нагиевым
Between the two leading “Voice.Children” “black cat run”.

Photo: still from the TV show

Last season of “the Voice.Children” co-host Dmitry Nagiyev was Svetlana Zeynalov. It is still remembered by the audience and fans of the show — so naturally, she “blended” format that all the previous (and following) a leading pales by comparison.

Unfortunately, the sixth season she lead refused. The official reason was the pregnancy of the presenter. That is why on its place took another one a very popular person — Agatha muceniece. She also liked the audience and, most importantly, children involved. Muceniece told me that this work is very exciting. And especially frightened by the prospect of meeting the “great and terrible” with Dmitry nagievym. It turns out that he is not the kindest disposition.

“I heard about it, muceniece admitted in his vlog “Prilichnye everyday life” that she leads on a video channel online. — So when we were introduced, I just said, “Agatha!” — and ran away.”

Present at this conversation Svetlana Zeynalov (it was during the fitting party dresses for the anniversary concert “Voice.Children”) said that Dmitry Nagiev with her no more talking! And the reason that it absolutely not accept the humor in the address yourself, a loved one.

“I once jokingly called him “old horse” — in the sense that it no longer be a surprise on the TV and he stopped to communicate with me, says Zeynalov. — Then I tried to break the ice, like happened. But during the filming, when we stood together on stage, I once again, unfortunate joke. He’s still Yuri Viktorovich complained about me!”

Said in response Nagiyev, Yuri Aksyuta, the Executive producer of music and entertainment programs on the First channel, is unknown. But I hope that she stopped working on the show still not over Dimitri.