«Оскар» 2018 пройдет в марте

Next year Oscar will be 90. Given the seriousness of the date, it is difficult to imagine how it will look in the ceremony, what the surprise will prepare guests and participants of the festival organizers. Apparently, a plan for how next year will organize a ceremony at the American Academy already. And, it seems, its implementation will take more time than usual.

Traditionally, the ceremony master of the movie awards takes place in February. In 2018 we should not expect a holiday early March. The decision to move the event, the representatives of the Academy explained the winter Olympics, which can distract the entire audience.
The names of the nominees who will compete for the “Oscar” will be announced on 23 January 2018. To propose candidates for the award can be from 5 to 12 March.
By the way, in 2019-om everything returns to normal. 91-th ceremony will take place on February 23. However, this date is “hammered” for 2019, 2020 and 2021 years.