The singer believes that they will be able to amend something in her life. Olga Zarubina believes that all women in their family unhappy for some inexplicable reason. All her female relatives the same way as her bad luck with men.
Singer Olga Zarubina few years living abroad. The singer hits the “Cruel separation” and “On the boat music plays” tired of the touring life, she wants peace and quiet, and star needs a strong male shoulder on which it could rely. However, Zarubina desperate to find her a suitable companion.
According to Olga, when you know the man closer, you realize that it is not what it seemed earlier. The singer had to be disappointed in the opposite sex. “I believe that in this regard, I have the fate of the unfortunate. Our family has generally found that: in the female line there is no happiness for anybody. At the time, after my dad died, my mom made the wrong choice, linking his fate with his stepfather. He was a real despot and a tyrant. The result was injured and the mother and brother” – shared Zarubina.
The singer is not devoid of male attention, she repeatedly asked me to marry men of different ages and nationalities. However, to jump into the pool with his head, the star is not in a hurry. She wants to go to psychics, so they adjusted her fate.
“I had the idea that maybe something to fix. But so far I have not addressed. To me the Internet is often written by people with similar abilities. They say that in our life everything is balanced. “God gave you beauty and extraordinary talent – they tell me. – He can’t give everything.” Probably so,” admitted Olga.
Recall that Zarubin was married to singer Alexander Malinin, which met in the mid 80-ies. However, the star marriage lasted only three years. From Malinin Zarubina have a daughter Kira. After a few years the fate of the singer with the famous administrator Vladimir Evdokimov, who helped the artist to return to the stage. With him she lived in the US, where she worked as a nurse and then a medical interpreter. Olga still remembers those days with nostalgia.
“The Americans are responsible for their actions, unlike today. If they had children, there is a law that always protects the woman, the mother. So they are more careful and, if you’re going to marry, it is their conscious decision. Me that Americans really like,” said Zarubina edition of “fire it up”. However, in 2008 her husband died.