Наталия Гулькина не может смириться с тяжелой утратой The singer finds a place for himself after the death of the pet. Natalia gulkin loves Pets and was very attached to the beloved dog Nicky. Almost 10 years, he has lived together with the actress and was to her as a family member.

      Наталия Гулькина не может смириться с тяжелой утратой

      The singer and TV presenter Natalia gulkin faced with a heavy loss. Died one of the favorite Pets of the artist. Nicky has lived in the family of the legendary singer for almost 10 years and was for Natalia full member of the family. Care chetveronogo friend became Gulkin real shock. Natalia posted on social networking photo beloved dog with the words “it Hurts. He died close friend.”

      Friends and fans genuinely empathized with this loss and a few days wrote words of comfort, which greatly supported the distressed singer. Natalia gratefully responded to the support and positive advice from people.

      “Thank you all for the comforting words, they are necessary for me! Roared all night. Can’t let go of your beloved Nicky. The second dog (red) string, whined and howled all night. As it is now one. After all, they are like lovebirds life together was…” said gulkin.

      It turned out that my beloved Pomeranian Natalia there was a sudden deterioration of health. The singer took the pet to a veterinary clinic where he was diagnosed with acute, colabs of the trachea. Nicky gasped, and at the clinic he was provided with emergency assistance. During the day, Nicky was supported by experts. For a while the dog got a little better, and gulkin took the dog home. As it turned out, it was only temporary relief – in the evening-pet did not.

      For Natalia this was a big blow. Some days she could not recover from the grief of loss. The actress loves animals. Not just the singer said that all living beings on the planet and are drawn to her. For fans who followed the life and work of Natalia, long time no secret that she loves their adorable Pomeranian spices and three hilarious British cats whose pictures the singer posted on the social network. Pictures of Pets are not less popular than the photo of the Natalia.

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