Марина Анисина передумала разводиться с Никитой Джигурдой The skater gave the spouse the benefit of the doubt. According to Marina Anisina, her husband will be able to withdraw the suit. Recall that the actor opposed the dissolution of their marriage and was appealed.

      The famous figure skater Marina Anisina have decided to give the wife Nikita Dzhigurda a second chance. The pair started divorce proceedings in court a few months ago. Today, March 17, authorities had to make the final decision. The athlete claimed he didn’t change his mind about divorce, but the actor tried to return to his wife.

      Nikita Dzhigurda and Marina Anisina gave passionate dancing

      Marina Anisina did not say a single bad word about Nikita Dzhigurda and even met him on the day of desyatiletiya from the day of their wedding. The woman kept a good relationship with the father of her children, despite the fact that the actor walked a lot of rumors. It turned out that the skater has decided not to dissolve the marriage. She announced on the page on the social network.

      “Drugs, orgies, cheating Dzhigurda was absolute slander imposed by the spiteful critics! I’m impressed! Gave the opportunity for the Chair to withdraw his claim for divorce!” – said Nikita.

      Subscribers skater was shocked by her favor and upheld a celebrity that she decided to keep the family together. “Reunited and be happy, you have wonderful kids, Family is more important, Love is evil!” wrote the followers of the star ice. Some netizens were surprised by the coincidence, because earlier Anisina swore that necessarily terminates the marriage Morrice.

      “Our divorce is not an advertising campaign, and very difficult for me,” said a woman in one of the shows.

      By the way, Nikita Dzhigurda Marina Anisina gratitude for the opportunity. In his characteristic manner, the man wrote words of gratitude to his wife.

      “The goddess of Anise – a great woman. After the Donbass gave me the option to cancel the resulting divorce”, – said the actor.

      However, the movie star has no plans to get back together with his wife, as he signed a contract for filming a movie. “Fate is fickle. I bogotvor Marie and not wanting to defame her, give your favorite virgin free flight,” continued Nikita.

      Some viewers and social media users believe that the couple decided to capitalize on her divorce. The chair did not deny that he received money for talking about parting with Anisina those. According to the actor, soon they will tell how all was actually.