Линдси Лохан проиграла суд шофёру

Hollywood actress Lindsay Lohan hangs with friends in London. The artist has fun and tries not to think about how to pay the former chauffeur, who lost the suit a few days ago.

In 2015, the chauffeur by the name of Edison Ritchie filed a lawsuit against the movie star, saying that Lohan owes him more than 30 thousand dollars for services rendered. Supposedly he regularly performed their duties, and even more – for example, drove relatives Lindsay, and even once paid for a hotel room celebrity (fifteen hundred dollars), because most Lohan allegedly didn’t have cash.

First, Richie tried to settle everything amicably, and in Aug 2015 sent a celebrity a letter, which indicated how much and that he spent being a chauffeur at Lohan. Lindsay chose to ignore the letter, and six months later received a claim for non-payment of, a final hearing which took place at the end of last week.

So, now the actress has to pay Edison $ 43,900. Knowing obviously that you lose, Lindsay did not come to the hearing and told the lawyers that is very sick. The next day cheerful and full of health Lohan went to a London nightclub.