«Девушка-леопард» изменила внешность Popular Instagram stylist Gohar Avetisyan decided to transform Irina Pavlutsky. Recently she became the main character of two editions of the “Andrey Malakhov. Live” on “Russia 1”. She has a rare genetic abnormality, the whole body covered with large Ira mole.

26-year-old Irina Paulucci neurocutaneous melanosis. The biological mother of the girl had refused from her in the hospital when he saw the girl. Becoming the heroine of the program “Andrey Malakhov. Live”, Irina became famous all over the country and met with parent. Popular stylist Gohar Avetisyan decided to help transform “the girl with the leopard”. Movie makeup artist posted on Instagram.

“My Instagram was blown up. Everyone was asking me to do the transformation for Irina from Yakutia – after it showed in the program. She became most popular girl in Russia, which he called “leopard”. The fate of the Ira is very complex: she was born with a huge amount of moles all over her body, from her abandoned mother. I decided to try to hide these moles in order to Irina, at least for the day see yourself without them… How do you like the transformation?” asked Gohar users of the Network.
«Девушка-леопард» изменила внешность

Subscribers stylist left a lot of rave reviews about the Transfiguration of the girls. Many emphasized that without makeup Irina beautiful.

“So cool that you give people happiness. Admire you, so much positivity, kindness”, “you Have a heart of gold, Gohar, She without makeup is cute!”, “Great! Super! Not even one hundred and five hundred percent!”, “Irina is a beautiful woman. And moles – it feature. It’s different from all. Not to be confused. On Earth billions of people, and like her, a little, that’s her trait and pride! The transformation is beautiful, because the model is initially beautiful but hide failed Gohar. And why?! I have freckles on my face, in the summer very much. I love them, I do features!” noted fans Avetisyan.