Лариса Копенкина откровенно рассказала о ссорах с возлюбленным Ex-wife Prokhor Chaliapin shared with “StarHit” the details of his personal life. Larisa Kopenkina for more than a year happy in the relationship. Choice spoils the woman like regular bouquets and surprises.

      In the Instagram well-known business lady Larissa Kopenkina constantly appear photos gorgeous gifts: huge bouquets of flowers, balloons, cakes, original postcards. Really, who generously cares for the woman, she with fans not to share. “StarHit” found out who indulges Larisa and makes her happy every day.

      “I put up only those flowers that I come into the office. And those that at home even not show. I’m so not bragging. I just want to show women and girls, regardless of age, shape, and position, they can be happy, wanted and loved! Every day I see such beautiful and successful women, and they are all unhappy – can’t find love. And it is not necessary to look! She just comes over and all. Need to love yourself! A man will definitely be attracted, but only filled woman. An empty vessel, he does not need,” he told Kopenkina.

      The businesswoman also admitted that favorite really knows how to surprise her – every time the man tries to come up with new ways to please Larissa. Last year in an interview with “StarHit” the first woman openly talked about the affair with Ilia and personal tragedies.

      Larissa Kopenkina: “I Have had a second child!”

      But it turned out that, like all lovers, the pair periodically to sort things out. Conflicts usually occur from domestic violence, not representing anything serious. According to a business lady, sometimes she’s hard to control myself.

      “I’m very emotional. If you love, you love! If you hate them, too much. So when I swear, it’s the explosion at the nuclear plant! I’m enjoying life – try to do everything with passion, with emotion, live every moment. The main thing is to understand that you should not break up because of some small quarrels. We, too, are differences. But love is a gift of the Gods. Don’t know how it comes but it should be protected. Don’t think that there will the neighbours say what will happen in five years – we do not know and do not have to think,” said Kopenkina.

      In a relationship Larisa and Ilya reconciliation occur too bright. Woman no matter who takes the first step – she or a lover. Most importantly, in her opinion, the words and feelings were sincere. Thanks to the big life experience and wisdom she understands that it is not necessary to be offended for a long time.

      “Never bite the hand. Here the person wants to go to meet you – pulls a hand. A must to take it. It is then necessary to Express concerns, to share the pain. After a time, we can say: “you Know, I was so hurt by what you did. I feel bad, when you said this.” But before that you need to make peace, to accept and to understand the person. This, of course, difficult. I also sometimes on emotions shout, “we’re breaking up!” And then go away, and you realize that nothing. I’m not an angel, not a gift, complicated man. But, if you accept, you have to appreciate it”.

      Perhaps because of the mutual compromises in love manages to maintain harmony in relationships. In the nearest plans of celebrity to go along with the choice in travel – the couple chose to stay in the United Arab Emirates. “Hold there for two weeks. Ilya a little smaller. Combine business with pleasure: on the beach, lie down, and take a trip excursions, and meetings spend,” – shared with “StarHit” the owner of real estate Agency.