Ксения Бородина осудила девушек, занимающихся эскортом The presenter urged women to get a good education, not to depend on men. Borodin raised the sensitive issue after the project “Dom-2” frequent conversations about the participants, who supposedly provide services of this kind.

Because the regular host of the popular electroni Ksenia Borodina is actually present on the project from the very first day, that is 13 years old. Star always sincerely respond to everything that happens with the participants “Houses-2”. Recently, however, she prefers to share Instagram photos with your friends and family or photos from travels and the gym.

But the theme of the escorts have left Xenia indifferent. Some of the participating telestroke accused that they provide services of this kind, others suspected of prostitution, and others are recognized themselves – Yes, it has happened in their lives. Among those whose names were mentioned in connection with this sensitive topic, was Inessa Shevchuk, who said that this is unacceptable, Margot Ovsyannikova, denying all charges, and Olesya Klochko, who admitted to illegal activities.

Eks-the participant “Houses-2” have decided to work as an escort because of financial problems

Ksenia Borodina in his post noticed that gossip, accusations and revelations equally heated interest in girls and increase their popularity. “The last time buggy and not showing you the tape and say the recent activity has gotten worse, and she began their arguments, but that is the type of participant, who said last week that she was working as an escort was added 20 thousand for a week, and asked the main question: “And that is the question, why in our time the escort is so interesting and cool?!”. Xenia is convinced that nothing positive in this.

“No, everything is clear, geishas, courtesans, prostitutes were at all times and if there is demand there will always be a supply. Another question, I’m not a Prude and I will never tell other people how to earn a living! But! An escort is prostitution, and it’s no secret! And nothing they do not differ from those on the track, the difference is only in price! Just a young girl, seeing in Instagram such an easy and beautiful life, start to think, why should I Institute, the family, why would I want to try, if you can fly to Dubai or the Maldives to have a good time and a beautiful life in my pocket! No my dear, I am deeply convinced that all these ladies who sell themselves are not the most happy people and no one has canceled their tears in the pillow at night. They had no one waiting at home, their whole life is fake, the world of these women is not so small, they come out to “lucky” that her life in constant fear, as if not to sleep, not to take a picture and leave. And I’m just sad that young girls see and think, why would I Institute why this guy brings out three roses, if you can push the legs and get huge bouquets, you can be patient and wait for the car with bows, why should I work if I can go shopping and wait for the next call! Girls, get a good education if you want to achieve something in life, set your goals and go forward! If your guy is not making millions, get one, but it’s yours, not someone’s husband who pays you, remember that happiness in small things, happiness in the strong arms of the beloved, in care, in children’s laughter, in your own victories. And then, the woman always is able to direct her man! I wish you love and remember, she lives alone, not worth it to spend so priceless,” she wrote.
Members supported the Xenia, expressed her gratitude for the fact that she raised such an important topic. “Very nice post, support! The same thoughts inspire his adult daughter. Actually girls, women who just believe the majority and the value of family no where to go…”. Others decided that this statement Ksenia Borodina addressed to a specific participant of the project, namely Margo Ovsyannikova, and jealousy. Margo recently posted a photo with her husband of Xenia Kurban Omarov and signed it: “Winter is coming”.