Жители Красноярска попросили Леонардо Ди Каприо спасти город от угля

Desperate to affect local environmental services, the residents of Krasnoyarsk asked Leonardo DiCaprio to save the city from coal. A poster with the appeal to the Hollywood actor and his picture they put right on the bridge over the freeway and in other parts of the city.

Representatives of public organization “Green patrol” reported that the region has enormous coal reserves, and in this see the reason that Krasnoyarsk was on the 67th ecological rating of subjects of the Russian Federation.

It is known that Leonardo, since 1998 dedicated to the protection of the environment. In 1998, he created a Foundation fighting against pollution and global warming, and in 2014 he is a goodwill Ambassador for the UN’s climate change. Through its public works Leo meets with politicians and public figures of different countries, including in Russia. Likely, environmental activists had hoped that driving on a local highway, Leo will lift your eyes up, see the banner and immediately rush to the Minister of environment to resolve pressing issues.