Константин Хабенский учинил громкий скандал Actor and Director rudely replied the lady. Konstantin Khabensky provoked a scandal, sharply responding to a question during a press conference. Internet users condemned the inappropriate tone of people’s artist.
Константин Хабенский учинил громкий скандал

Konstantin Khabensky is now actively engaged in the promotion of his film “Sobibor”, which has just been released. Most critics received the premiere. The story of the only successful uprising in a Nazi death camp in 1943 directed Khabensky and his team said, according to those who managed to see the original, painfully shrill and scary realistic.

For wide distribution and maximum draw attention to the film and the topic it touches on, organized a large-scale PR-campaign.

Khabensky personally present at the premieres in different cities, giving interviews, participating in press conferences. One of such meetings with journalists in St. Petersburg over the scandal. Columnist of the local newspaper, thanking the author for the picture, I noticed that “she was scared”, and then said, “Here’s an audience prepared, and when the arrival of another, the one with the popcorn… As this topic comes up to them?” Until the end to formulate the question the journalist could not. The actor took the microphone, stood up abruptly from her place, walked to the edge of the stage and he began to ask questions of the reporter. He sincerely and excitedly asked, “what’s the matter” and “what worried the journalist”.

“What are you worried about? You don’t understand what kind of people live near you? You think that stupid people live near you? What do you care? You think you live next to stupid people? Tell me: who lives in your neighborhood?” – retorted with a question Konstantin Khabensky.

Next, the actor and the Director continued to be indignant. Knightley asked, gesticulating: “Why do you think that you are more sensitive than other generation? Sorry, maybe I’m wrong, but let’s “comb” our generation and our cinema on the simple things – we need to create a stellar band. Let’s think about that generation that we grow, about with whom we communicate, and those who will care of us after some time”, – said Konstantin.

The video on YouTube with this scandalous press conference attracted a large number of hits. Internet users were divided into two camps: some felt that Habenskogo ought to apologize to the woman for his rudeness, others agreed with the reaction of the actor, stating that the question was incorrect. “I suppose that Constantine likes of modern youth and did not believe it, some not so, wrong. Snobbery and contempt for the youth he was not satisfied in this matter. So maybe he reacted like that. But it was tough,” wrote one fan of the actor and Director.