The TV presenter once again demonstrated the unconventional taste in clothing, published in his Instagram a very controversial picture.
Olga Buzova itself unwittingly, constantly shocking the audience with their outfits. In Instagram stars you can often see pictures in unusual and sometimes tasteless images. Of course, subscribers presenter does not leave such experiments unattended. It happened with a recent photo of Olga, where she appeared in a dirty dress.
Buzova decided to show fans his image of the day – white mini dress with a slim silhouette, it complements the bodily worn heels. All anything, but the outfit was irreversibly spoiled: star spilled on the breast almost a whole glass of cherry juice. Instead of trying to clean out a stain or to change into other clothes, she was to pose in a dress like her couture designer toilet, created by special order.
Meanwhile, the fans, contrary to expectations, did not criticize the dress of stars, and overwhelmed her with compliments. Many commentators have said that the dress with the stain looks very stylish and unusual. Some thought that the dirty spot is part of the design. It seems, Olga is a “pattern” fell in love.