Келли Осборн заявила, что её родители всё ещё вместе

Scandalous parting Ozzy and Sharon Osbournes after his infidelity caused a storm of protest from fans of the couple and the approval of feminists. After 33 years of marriage between them, anything can happen, and leave in his old age because of another love affair was foolish Despite claims to the presenter that she’d had enough of this life, Sharon returned to Ozzy. This was told by their daughter Kelly in a recent interview.

Келли Осборн заявила, что её родители всё ещё вместе

“My parents are still together,” said Kelly and said that her mother went with her father to London to support him during the performances. In addition to the status of his wife, Mrs. Osborne is also a Manager of her unfaithful spouse.

By the way, the scandal with his father’s infidelity had no effect on them with Ozzy relationships – known fact that the girl has always been a favorite of his dad.

“I love my dad and will always love him no matter what. This does not mean that I do not think his act is pretty damn stupid. It happened between my parents, but not me. I was and still am a daddy’s girl,” said Kelly.

Recall that Ozzy cheated on my wife with her hairdresser, which under the rocker for twenty years. In the hearts of Sharon kicked her husband out of the house, and Kelly’s revenge was published on his page in the social network the phone number of the stylist is not transferring in the most diligent terms of services that this woman can provide in addition to cutting and styling hair.

By the way, not so long ago in mass media there was information that the story of the adultery was invented by Sharon and Ozzy. Supposedly they deliberately did it to attract the attention of the public in the upcoming tour Osborne. Indeed, claimed some sources, the couple only played the apostate, and the wronged wife, and, as before, living together.

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