Иван Ургант сделал непристойное предложение Ирине Мирошниченко The actress was the guest of the evening shows of the First channel. In the broadcast of Irina Miroshnichenko shared plans with Ivan Urgant, and also took part in the funny category. The star of cinema and theatre played along with the entertainer scenes from popular movies.

On Monday evening, people’s artist of the RSFSR Irina Miroshnichenko became the guest of the program “Evening Urgant”. In a live TV show presenter invited the star to take part in a fun experiment. Ivan Urgant and celebrated actress played a role scenes from several popular movies.

“We want to ask you to use your experience and reflect on some of the modern, excuse me, Hollywood, you’ll excuse me, American, forgive me for Christ’s sake, the movies. Our topic “Hollywood theatre” – addressed leading to Irina Petrovna.

First, Miroshnichenko and Urgant has depicted the main characters of the series “Game of thrones”. The actress was holding a figurine of a dragon, and a showman, dressed in a voluminous fur cloak. Then Ivan and Irina have become characters in a sensational romance “50 shades of grey”. This presenter put on a mask and picked up the whip, which he brandished in the most tense moments of conversation with Miroshnichenko. That, in turn, threw on the shoulders of a silk robe.

Иван Ургант сделал непристойное предложение Ирине Мирошниченко“What about work? About love and friendship”, – joked Urgant.

After reading your text, Irina Petrovna laughed out loud and sipped water from a glass. “I ask you. “50 shades of grey”. Played by actors of the Moscow art theatre and their friends,” announced the presenter.

“You have something that makes me come back again and again…” – a passionate voice read Miroshnichenko.

Spectators who witnessed the scenes, has supported stars with thunderous applause. After Urgant suspended, a compliment Miroshnichenko, those are violently applauded. According to many, Irina brilliantly coped with the challenge.

In the final rubric Ivan Urgant was reincarnated as a raccoon, and a famous actress in the tree. “So, friends. Guardians of the Galaxy – announced leading under the approving applause from the audience. Fans Miroshnichenko was delighted with her acting ability.