Иван Дорн помирился с папой спустя 20 лет Musician for a long time not seen dad. After the divorce of his parents, Ivan Dorn and his brother Paul had left to live with my mom. After the woman married again, she asked ex-husband not to bother her family.

      Famous musician Ivan Dorn often shocking the audience with bold images, quirky clips and vivid songs often become hits. However, life incendiary artist not always been easy – as it turned out, his parents are long divorced. Mom decided to get rid of any memories of his father her children, and therefore changed the birth certificate, corrected the surname Eremin on the mandrel. As it turned out, a long time musician and his brother Paul had no contact with a parent. According to Pope the actor, his ex-wife asked me not to disturb her family after she remarried. Twenty years later, the musician decided to visit my dad.

      “Ivan came to my house in Slavutich. We talked for a long time, everything was top notch, I’ve been waiting for twenty years. I saw the grandchildren, we have a great relationship. I’m happy!” – said Alexander Eremin.

      He tries to speak less about his private life. In the blog he exposes only those pictures that belong to his work. For a long time he denied the fact that he married his classmate Anastasia Novikova. Three years ago there appeared the information about the birth of a child, Ivan also chose to leave this news without comment. Apparently, Dorn became a father and told the heirs to her daddy.

      Alexander Eremin remembered that after the divorce the mother of the artist remarried. Her choice was the children. As recognized by the mandrel in an interview, their name is also John and Paul.

      Dad mandrel also has established private life. Now he has a daughter Alexandra. For twenty years the man had not seen sons from his first marriage.

      “It so happened that his mother found another man, more suitable and rich, and I have another family. I came to Ivan and Paul with gifts, hung out with them after our meetings, they cried and shouted: “I Want to dad!” Then ex-wife said she had a new family and I don’t want to spoil. Said he never wanted to see me,” admitted Alexander in conversation with the newspaper Life.