Внебрачная дочь Александра Серова получила результаты ДНК-теста It became known whether Christine and musician relatives. In many broadcasts Serov was held in connection with the Hope the tiller works, which, according to her, allegedly joined him in intimacy in the late ‘ 80s. the woman requires from a musician of 20 million rubles, as he slandered her daughter, calling a girl a drug addict.
Внебрачная дочь Александра Серова получила результаты ДНК-теста

In the new issue of “Andrey Malakhov. Live” the alleged ex-fiancee popular singer Alexander Serov Hope the tiller works and her daughter Christine demanded of the artist to apologize for some statements. In the previous program Serov sharply expressed in the address to an illegitimate heir. He claims that she used drugs. Christine agreed to undergo a complete examination at the clinic. Her mother plans to sue the star of the scene the money, as it, in its opinion, spread false facts about their family.

“I’m in a state of shock. When your daughter publicly named as a drug addict… today I officially declare that for all the dirt I give two lawsuits in court and demand to recover 10 million rubles,” – said Hope.
Внебрачная дочь Александра Серова получила результаты ДНК-теста

The tiller works claims that Christine really knows several languages and is working well. According to the woman, the charges Serova her daughter unfounded. The girl does not speak in Russian, but in principle she has no problems with it.

Friend of the family Maria Lange, published in connection with the broadcast Studio, announced that familiar with the tiller works and her daughter. “You could say she has grown with me, went to school. This was not normal, it is said,” said the woman.

Christine takju came into the broadcast Studio to Express their position. Statement of Serov last installment of the very pissed off girl.

Alexander Serov about the DNA tests, the illegitimate daughters: “the Point has not been set”

“I have a problem with it, but I’m not a drug addict. I was in shock,” said Christine.
Внебрачная дочь Александра Серова получила результаты ДНК-теста

It turned out that Christine sometimes flies in Kemerovo oblast, where her grandmother lives. The broadcast showed how the girl takes care of the relative.

The tiller works Jr. claims that he never used drugs. In one of the passages program captured the moment when Hope turned to the lawyer. The lawyer acknowledged that 10 million rubles in favor of Christine and her mother is a normal amount it may require for 128 article.

Внебрачная дочь Александра Серова получила результаты ДНК-теста

Experts in the Studio decided that the girl is completely dependent on the mother, because Hope is what dominates in the family and hints how to act.

Together with the crew, Christine went to a medical facility to pass a test on the content of drugs in the body: blood and urine. Doctor Basil Shurov arrived at the Studio with the results of the study. No prohibited substances were found.

“The 20 million – is punishment. I’m 10 years trying to meet him,” explained Christine filed lawsuits against Serov.

At the end of the program geneticist Snezhana Queen announced the results of the DNA test. The study was to identify the relationship between Serov and Christine tiller works.

“We compared genetic profiles between Christine and Alice, and the second between Christine and Alexander Serov. The results of the first test between Alice and Arising Christine tiller works. Girls, presumably, stepsisters. The probability that this is so is 99.99%. The result of the second paternity test between Alexander Serov and Christine tiller works. The likelihood that Alexander is indeed the biological father of Christine is 99.99%,” said the Queen.

Many Studio guests were perplexed that the study was not used the genetic material of the native daughters of Serov. “I think it’s unfair that I don’t want to admit that neither Michelle nor Alexander Serov,” said Christine. The tiller works Jr. hopes that Serov’m sorry, that I did not recognize her. Then she’s ready to take action.