Евгения Феофилактова страдает из-за сына Star telestroke complained to subscribers on feeling bad. Eugene Feofilaktova complained that her son Daniel is becoming too heavy to keep it on hand, just in case it starts to hurt back.

      Евгения Феофилактова страдает из-за сына

      Eugene Feofilaktova doted in his three year old son Daniel. The star of “House-2” and her husband Anton Gusev do everything to ensure that the boy was happy and in no need of. However, maternal love is a businesswoman sometimes reaches such forms that it affects the health of the mother.

      So, Feofilaktova, which after the wedding, took the surname of her husband, cannot resist and often picks up little Daniel. Despite her young age, a boy of three is already quite large in size, therefore, provides a greater load on the spine mother. This unpleasant situation Eugene decided to share with their podeschi in the social network “Instagram”.

      “Momma, tell me, do you have a problem that you have a baby, not a baby, and already the “elephant”. I mean, quite tall and heavy for you. The fact that I am petite, my height is 163 cm, but I love his pussika that constantly try to take the pen, of course, at this point, feelings of heaviness do not notice, and then a sore lower back. Here’s the dilemma – I love sweet, but can not raise. Who?” – posted by Eugene.

      Star telestroke complained podeschi that doesn’t know how to be. After all, to deprive Daniel of affection she doesn’t want to, but health is also important to maintain. Most experienced women giving a young mother tips.

      “Definitely strengthen the back muscles, it is better to try not to raise, because back then could be felt… the Spine is not iron”, “my baby is too pretty. In General, keep on the handles, but sitting”, “Recently treated the lower back, injections, massage. But all this is temporary only, and not much takes away the pain”, “I neodypsis their babies, and now two herniated lumbar… the Doctor is now strictly banned for more than five kg lift… Now just sitting… take care of yourself,” wrote about his experience fans of the star.

      Eugene Feofilaktova gave his son to the sport

      We will remind, not so long ago, my parents decided that it’s time for Dana to play sports, and put him in the football section. The boy attends camp “Locomotive”, where one learns to give passes and score goals. Eugene Feofilaktova and Anton Gusev delighted with the results demonstrated by their son.

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