Елена Воробей рассказала о пагубном пристрастии The actress admitted that she is extremely difficult to follow a diet, she constantly violates doctors ‘ orders. Having tried many exotic dishes, the Joker still can’t resist a simple potato.
Елена Воробей рассказала о пагубном пристрастии

Elena Sparrow for several decades trying to follow a proper diet, eliminating from the diet of carbohydrates. But there is one dish that is always in the menu of the artist. “Cook in our family have always loved. Of course, due to the lack of time I to the plate could not be approached as often as normal women, but at the first opportunity I love to pamper your loved ones with something tasty. And potatoes!” – said the Joker.

According to Sparrow, the potatoes in her family is always on the table. Elena shared a recipe, how to cook it.

“Recruit tubers, preferably smaller. Thoroughly wash them with a brush and leave to dry on a paper towel for 15 – 20 minutes. Then we put them on a baking sheet, add 1-2 tablespoons of any vegetable oil, salt – I use olive and coarse salt, it’s much more useful table and does not contain chemicals and other harmful additives. Then the potatoes mix so it is all soaked with oil and salt, and put it in a pre heated oven for 20-30 minutes at 200 degrees, for 10 minutes to the end temperature can be reduced to 180. Willingness to check with a regular knife: the potato has become soft, you’re done. The table is served with roasted potatoes in a nice bowl, with herbs, garlic and all that you love: it goes well with the pickles, and meat, and fish. OK just what taste! I’m sure that this dish will become your favorite”, – said the artist.

Sparrow complained that she was forced to limit yourself to food. In the diet Helena are low-calorie soups, salads without adding oil, mayonnaise.

“Almost doesn’t use any flour or sugar. A long time be without sugar and almost no salt food. But sometimes you want potatoes in their skins, not on holidays, and on weekdays. So in the evening after the performance I have from time to time, please bake it for me and after cooking, cut into smaller pieces to have the feeling that a lot of it, and then enjoy the process. What is this life if not at least sometimes to pamper yourself a favorite dish?” – admitted Elena.

The actress said about one food weakness. Sparrow loves mincemeat. “This dish on our table was always, since the days of living in Brest. Good forshmak is a snack, and a separate dish that we love the house everything,” said celebrity in an interview with “Interlocutor”.